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About Us
About Us
About Us
Call Us: 618-236-8900

It's Not One Size Fits All! We are able to service any size mowing property, from a two thousand square foot lawn to multiple acre sites. However, this does not mean we will use a mower, suited for multiple acres, on your two thousand square foot lawn. The owner of Lawn Wranglers founded this company, as a teenager, with a lawnmower and the word of mouth referrals have been the greatest testament to our quality service. Now going into our 15th season mowing lawns. We understand the quality of the job requires specifically sized equipment and we are continuously updating our fleet with state-of-the-art equipment of varying sizes to serve you properly. Lets us determine what size lawn mower is appropriate, for your lawn!
I think you will find it is smaller than what our competition is using. We pride ourselves on being able to provide the highest quality solution, for your home.
Mowing a lawn, is much more than just jumping, on a machine, and mowing once, through a yard. At Lawn Wranglers, we know the science behind mowing your lawn is just as important to the health of your lawn, as a lawn fertilization program. The height of the cut, the sharpness of the mower blades, as well as the frequency of cut is all factors we consider as part of our process. Every step is critical to keeping your lawn in top shape and in the best of health. We frequently double-cut lawns, to reduce clumps from excess clippings and to provide the cleanest cut. A dull cut not only looks bad but can negatively influence the health of the turf. We sharpen our blades and clean out our mower decks nightly, to ensure a consistent cut, every time. We are also able to maintain a consistent schedule, through the season, not letting lawns go too few or too many days without a mow. Cutting off more than one-third of the plant at a time can be very stressful for the plant.
The goal has always been to provide a service, better than what the homeowner would be able to do, themselves. If you have not spoken to one of our satisfied clients, personally, let us just tell you with quality being the driving force behind our services, we hope to provide a lawn mowing service that will exceed your expectations.