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About Us
About Us
Call Us: 618-236-8900

Leaf Clean Up
We offer an extensive leaf clean-up service involving blowing out all landscape beds, under decking/patios, and the entire yard area. Lawn Wranglers will clean up, haul away, and dispose of all yard waste. Work can be charged based on time on location or for best results Weekly Bagging service is available. Contact the office today, and get a free quote for your leaf clean-up.
Bush Trimming
We can perform bush trimming or tree pruning almost any time of the season, but try to focus during late spring/summer and late fall. Typically we charge per bush or per hour, whichever will best benefit the customer. Due to some bushes having different factors; long overgrowth, and location. Each job can vary from season to season. Contact the office today, and get a free quote for your bush trimming.